     of Hypertext and Graphical User Interfaces

Alan Kay Media Center

collected by Matthias Müller-Prove; last update: Fri, Sep 13, 2024

A comprehensive catalogue of Alan Kay’s publications, interviews and videos. Some references are in brackets to indictate that they are just mentioned in some other articles.
Please let me know, if you find new references to Alan Kay’s oeuvre: contact mprove

Big thanks for their contributions to this list to Ulrich Klotz, Michael Friedewald, Alexander Stigsen, Bob Goodman, Ralf Scharnetzki, Yoshiki Ohshima, Mario Valle, and Johannes Eckert;
recently, Alex Bizz, Kris Baker

Experimental filters: No Flterdynabookedufutureinterviewsmalltalksqueakviewpoints


(Kay 9/1967)

Kay, Alan C.: FLEX: an extensible simulation language which can be directly executed by computer. Computer Science Note, September 67, University of Utah, Salt Lake City

Kay 6/1968

FLEX – A flexible extendable language. MSc., Jun-1968, excerpt | complete scan

Kay 7/1969

The Reactive Engine. PhD., 1969: University of Utah, excerpt | full | complete scan

Kay 11/1970 Rambling towards a KiddiKomp. In: Stanford AI Project Lab Notebook, Nov. 1970

1970s – The Xerox PARC Years

Kay et al. 9/1971 J. Feldman, K. Pingle, T. Binford, G. Falk, A. Kay, R. Paul, R. Sproull, J. Tenenbaum: The use of vision and manipulation to solve the "Instant insanity" puzzle In Proceeding

IJCAI'71 Proceedings of the 2nd international joint conference on Artificial intelligence. ACM-DL

Kay 11/1971 Computer structures: past, present and future In Proceeding

AFIPS '71 (Fall) Proceedings of the November 16-18, 1971, fall joint computer conference. ACM-DL

Kay 8/1972 a

A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages. In Proceedings of the ACM National Conference, Boston Aug. 1972. Kay72a11 pages, 900 KB (transcript)

Alan Kay on the origin of the DynaBook /Quora 2019

Kay 1972b

A Dynamic Medium For Creative Thought, National Council of Teachers of English Conference (NCTE) Conference “20 things to do with a Dynabook”
This was pretty much what I wanted the group to accomplish (except for music, etc.) [Kay 1996, p. 576]

Kay 1972 Video Computer Applications: A Dynamic Medium for Creative Thought 1972 (49')
Stewart Brand 12/1972 SpaceWar. Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums IN Rolling Stone 12/1972

Alan Kay, 32, child prodigy (National Quiz kid at 10), forme musician and artist, worked with Ivan Sutherland and Dave Evans at Utah, presently a researcher at Xerox. /via

Kay 1974 Computer scientists' responsibility to educational research: A dynamic medium for creative thought In SIGCSE '74: Proceedings of the fourth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education. PDF Abstract at ACM-DL
Kay 1975

Personal Computing. In: Meeting on 20 Years of Computing Science. Instituto di Elaborazione della Informazione, Pisa, Italy, 1975. Kay75 30 pages, 2.5 MB

(Kay/Goldberg 1975)

Alan Kay / Adele Goldberg (eds): Dynamic Personal Media. Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 1975

Goldberg/Kay 1976 Adele Goldberg / Alan Kay: Personal Dynamic Media. Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Learning Research Group, 1976. A Xerox PARC Orange Book (77 pages with annotations by Ted Nelson) [formerly at dolphinharbor] [ChonoLink] [Internet Archive]
Goldberg/Kay 1976b Adele Goldberg / Alan Kay. Smalltalk-72 instruction manual. Technical Report SSL 76-6 (140 pages), Learning Research Group, Xerox Palo, Alto Research Center, 1976.
Kay/Goldberg 1977

Alan Kay / Adele Goldberg: Personal Dynamic Media. In: IEEE Computer. Vol. 10 No. 3 (March), 1977: Reprinted in [Goldberg 88, p. 254-263]. also in The New Media Reader: nmr-26-kay14 pages, 9.65 MB

Republished by Viewpoints Research Institute: PDF

Kay 1977 Microelectronics and the Personal Computer. Scientific American 237, no. 3 (1977)(Sep.): 230-244. scans at digibarn

(Kay 1978)

Programming Your Own Computer, in Science Year, The World Book Annual Science Supplement, 183-195. (Chicago, Ill., 1978).

Kay/Goldberg/Tesler 7/1978 Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, Larry Tesler: Position paper on: how to advance from hobby computing to personal computing, ACM SIGPC Notes Volume 1 Issue 2, Summer 1978 ACM DL doi
(Kay 1979) Programming Your Own Computer, Science Year 1979, World Book Encyclopedia, 1979
Kay 5/1979 Smalltalk and generic concepts in programming languages. ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad - Part 1: Volume 9 Issue 4, June 1979. ACM-DL doi

1981-1984 – The Atari Years

Kay 9/1981 Generic programming: APL and Smalltalk APL '81 Proceedings of the international conference on APL ACM-DL doi
Andy Hertzfeld 1982 Creative Think, A seminar with Alan Kay
1983 Video Portrait on Alan Kay (VPRI-0843 Alan Kay Segment) (7')

1984-1997 – The Apple YearsApple Logo

Bartimo 6/1984 ‘Smalltalk’ with Alan Kay, InfoWorld 6/1984

Kay 1984

Computer Software. Scientific American, 251(3):41--47, September 1984

… architecture dominates material. To understand clay is not to understand the pot. What a pot is all about can be appreciated better by understanding the creators and users of the pot and their need both to inform the material with meaning and to extract meaning from the form.

(Kay 1984/D)

Software. In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Vol. No. 11 p. 34-43. Springer, Berlin, 1984
Kay 1984 Video Alan Kay at TED 1984 /cf. TED1

(Kay 1986)

Keynote address. OOPSLA, 1986
Kay 1986 Keynote address. Proceedings of the 1986 workshop on Interactive 3D graphics October 23 - 24, 1986, Chapel Hill, NC USA (summery only)
Xerox 1986 Video Logo and Smalltalk (30')
Kay 1986? Video Alan Kay talk at Coors Television (1:40')
Kay 1987 Video Doing With Images Makes Symbols: Communicating with Computers. Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, CA, 1987. (avi download, 85')
Kay 1987 Video User Group University talk (1:27')) Apple User Group Connection 1987
Apple 1988a Video Steve Wozniak / Diane Ravich / Alan Kay / Ray Bradbury / Alvin Toffler: Knowledge Navigator Implications (9' 46"), Apple 1988 | cf. Knowledge Navigator Videos by Apple Computer
Kay 1988b Video A Vision of New Age with Alan Kay (VPRI 0224)
Kay/Goldberg 1/1988 Alan Curtis Kay, Adele Goldberg:The dynabook: past, present, and future IN A history of personal workstationsJanuary 1988, pp 249–264
Kay++ May/1988 Gerhard Fischer , Stephen A Weyer , William P Jones , Alan Curtis Kay , Walter Kintsch: A critical assessment of hypertext systems IN CHI '88: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsMay 1988, pp 223–227 | also on academia
Kay 1989a Video A Conversation with Alan Kay (14') 28-Jun-89
Kay 1989b Video Talk at BSO MultiMedia Group (VPRI 0351)
Kay 1989c Predicting the Future. Stanford Computer Forum 1989
Kay++ May 1989 Michael A Jackson, Alan Curtis Kay , Michael Sintzoff , Robert M Balzer: Software engineering in the year 2001 (panel session) AT

ICSE '89: Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Software engineeringMay 1989, pp 256

Apple 1989 Apple User Group Connection - October 1989 /with Larry Tesler, Steve Jobs, Alan Kay
Kay 1990 User Interface: A Personal View. In: Laurel, Brenda (ed): The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. p. 191. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990
Kay 1990b Video Interview with Alan Kay in Machine that Changed the World. WGBH open vault/BBC | on utube (2:45') | at AmericanArcive
Kay 1990c Video A concept video and talk by Alan Kay at WWDC ’90 (VPRI 358)
Kay 1990d Video Project Vivarium at TED2, Monterey, CA
Kay 1991 Computers, Networks and Education. In: Scientific American, Sept. 1991, p. 148, excerpt at In Depth

«The model building capabilities of the computer should enable mindlike processes to be built and should allow designers to create flexible "agents". These agents will take on their owner's goals, confer about strategies (asking questions of users as well as answering their queries) and, by reasoning, fabricate goals of their own.»

(Kay 1991/D) Neue Informationssysteme und Bildung. In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Vol. No. 11 p. 136-147. Springer, Berlin, 1991
(Ryan/Kay 1991) B. Ryan: DYNABOOK Revisited with Alan Kay. BYTE, February, 203--208
(Kay 1991) Interview Alan Kay Interviewed in BYTE 16:11, 1991, p.43.
Kay 1991 Video Alan Kay at the Getty Conference 4-26-91 (1:04')
Kay 1991 Video Alan Kay at Computerland October '91 (52')
Kay 1992 Personal Dynamic Media, 230 pages, Japanese (
Kay 1993 The Early History of Smalltalk. HOPL-II/4/93/MA, USA | SmalltalkHistoryHOPL.pdf /doi
Cypher 1993 Allen Cypher: Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1993. (foreword by Alan Kay)
Postmann 28-Jul-1993 Video Neil Postman hosted by Alan Kay: Informing ourselevs to death
Kay 1994 Global Village or Global Civilization? World Economic Forum
Kay 1994 Observations about Children and Computers, Apple Research Note #RN-94-31, Advanced Technology Group, Learning Concepts Group Note #15, May 1994
Kelly/Levy/Kay/Hillis 1994 Interview Kevin Kelly, Steven Levi: Kay + Hillis. In: WIRED (1), 1994. An interview between Alan Kay and Danny Hillis
Frenkel/Kay 4/1994 Interview Karen A. Frenkel: A Conversation with Alan Kay. In: Interactions. Vol. 1 No. 2 (Apr.) p. 13-22. ACM Press, New York, 1994
Schuster/Kay 4/1994 Interview Judy Schuster: A bicycle for the mind, redux. Electronic Learning April 1994
Kay 10/1995 Powerful Ideas Need Love Too! Written remarks to a Joint Hearing of the Science Committee and the Economic and Educational and Opportunites Committee, Oct. 15, 1995 minnow:12v2
Kay 1995 Video Simex: the neglected part of Bush's Vision at The Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush Symposium 1995 – Video Archive
Kay 1995 Authoring – The unfulfilled goal of personal computing
Kay 1995 Video Alan Kay at the Vennevar Bush Symposium 1995 | Internet Archive
Kay 1996 The Early History of Smalltalk. In: Bergin, Thomas J. / Gibson, Richard G. (eds): History of Programming Languages II. p. 511. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996
Kay 7/1996b Revealing the elephant: The use and misuse of computers in education. In: Sequence. Vol. 31 No. 4 (Jul./Aug.) p. 22-28, 1996. HUM298, also in Education Review, 31(4) and minnow:11
Kay 1996c Audio Lecture: Changing representational structures – The Dynabook – SmallTalk – Multiple mentalities (online audio, 1:50)
1996 Video Dynabook: The Complete Story (1:56'), Sun Microsystems

1997-2001 – The Disney Years

Ferris/Kay/Hillis, Feb 1997 Video Panel with Brian Ferren, Alan Kay, Danni Hillis on Storytelling /TED7
Kay 5-9-Oct-1997 Video The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet. Keynote address at the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications OOPSLA, 5-9-Oct 1997
Ingalls et al. 1997 Daniel H. H. Ingalls / Ted Kaehler / John Maloney / Scott Wallace / Alan C. Kay: Back to the Future: The Story of Squeak, A Practical Smalltalk Written in Itself. In: OOPSLA 97 Proceedings. p. 318-326. ACM Press, New York, 1997
(Published as SIGPLAN Notices 32(10):318-326)
(a postscript by Dan Ingalls in [Guzdial/Rose 2001])
Kay 1997 Science Already IS Art! The San Jose Museum of Technology brochure
Kay 1997 Video Stanford EE 380 class by Allison, Wharton. Alan Kay talk 6/4/97 (1:26')
Kay 2/1998 Expression and Interface; Interview for Government Technology
Kay/Smith 1998 Re: Configuring a Dynabook. email to Jonathan A. Smith, 1998
Kay 1998 Video The Computer “Revolution” Hasn’t Happened Yet! EDUCCOM ’98. October 12, 1998 (online video, 1:06')
Kay 1998b Video Engelbart’s Unfinished Revolution. symposion December 9, 1998 (online video)
Kay 1998 Video Alan Kay at MIT-EECS 1998 Fall Semester Colloquium Series (1:30')
Kay 1998 Video Education in the Digital Age – episode with Alan Kay. [on vimeo] (29')
Kay 1999 Interview Software Design, the Future of Programming and the Art of Learning. Interview in Educom Review, 34(2), 1999 [alternative link]
Rivero/Kay 1999 Interview Alan Kay: Interface with Meaning. Interview by Victor Rivero. In converge Sep, 99
stored at webarchive
Kay 3-May-1999 Video Interview on toys for education 3/5/1999
(Rheingold 2000) Interview Rheingold, Howard: Tools for Thought. rev.ed. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000.
(contains an interview with Alan Kay)
Engelbart/Kay 15-Feb2000 Video Douglas Engelbart / Alan Kay: Progress on the Frontiers: Technology and Progress — February 15, 2000. (online video)
stored at webarchive

real media stream at pp_engelbart-kay.ram

Kay 10-11/2000 The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet. Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on multimedia, October 30 - November 3, 2000, Los Angeles, CA USA (abstract only)
Kay/Müller-Prove 11/2000 Alan Kay / Matthias Müller-Prove: Re: ¿ Ph.D. 1969. email to Matthias Müller-Prove, Nov. 2000

2001 :: Viewpoint Research Institute 2001-2018

Fremerey/Schüler 2001 Interview Fank Fremerey, Peter Schüler: Die Revolution kommt erst noch, GUI-Vordenker Alan Kay im Gespräch, c’t 16/2001
Kay/Müller-Prove 4/2001 Alan Kay / Matthias Müller-Prove: Re: Ph.D. 1969 found :-). email to Matthias Müller-Prove, Apr. 2001
Guzdial 2001 Mark Guzdial: Squeak: Object-oriented design with multimedia applications. Alan’s Foreword: Software: Art, Engineering, Mathematics or Science?
Guzdial/Rose 2001 Mark Guzdial / Kimberly Rose (eds): Squeak: Open Personal Computing and Multimedia. Prentice Hall, 2001.
(Introduction by Alan Kay)
Kay 28/29-Jun-2001 Video A Personal History of User Interface Design at sd&m conference, Bonn. 2001 (1:20')
Kay ? >2001 What is Squeak? avi download

In essence, this is a talk about what is a real subject that children can learn, and how do we teach it to children. It is a talk about curriculum, and how to develop curriculum that is meaningful and real to children and to our current and future world. /via


Kay 2002 Interview The Dynabook Revisited - A Conversation with Alan Kay /Internet Archive
Kay 2002 Interview Still waiting for the revolution - A conversation with Alan Kay. in Perspectives on Business Innovation, ISSUE 8: Connected Innovation (2002)
Kay 6/2002 The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet - Grand Challenge: Make It Happen In The Best Possible Way 3 pages, 78KB. CRA Conference on "Grand Research Challenges" in Computer Science and Engineering, June 23-26, 2002, Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia
Kay 5-Sep-2002 The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet. Keynote at Mensch & Computer 2002 in Hamburg, September 5, 2002 (not recorded)
Leßmöllmann 14-Nov-2002 Annette Leßmöllmann: Der Schulspaßmacher. Die Zeit 47/2002
Brandow/Kay 12/2002 Interview Tori Brandow: the future of computing is invention - an interview with Alan Kay, HP, 2002 HP Feature Story Dec 2002
Kay 2002 Video Alan Kay’s Dynabook - NHK Video, 1:14'
Kay 2002 Video Education in the Digital Age: avi download


Kay 1/2003 Video Alan Kay: Turing Award Lecture (1:07'), OOPSLA 2003
Kay 14-Mar-2003 Video Alan Kay at Marshall McLuhan Lecture March 14 2003 (VPRI 0688)
Kay 23-Apr-2003 Video SD Forum: Back to the Future of Software Development (2:25')
Kay 2003 Alan Kay: Our Human Condition "From Space". Viewpoints Research Institute, 2003 VPRI Memo M-2003-001
Kay 2003 Alan Kay: Background on How Children Learn. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2003 VPRI Memo M-2003-002
Rein/Kay 2003 AudioVideo Lisa Rein's Tour Of Alan Kay's Etech 2003 Presentation | avi download
Kay 2003 Video Computer History Museum: Future of Software Development Series: Alan Kay (just 15' Q&A captured): wmv download
Kay 2003 Video Croquet: A Collaboration Architecture: avi download
Denker 11-May-2003 Quotes Quotes by Alan Kay; collected by Marcus Denker


User Interface, or User Interference? IN IUI '04: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Intelligent user interfacesJanuary 2004, pp 4
Kay 24-Feb-2004 The Power Of The Context. VPRI Memo M-2004-001
Kay 2004 Video The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet at OOPSLA 04 (1:07')

lost video

(Kay/Raab/Reed/Smith 2004) Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed, David A. Smith: Croquet: A Menagerie of New User Interfaces /not online, info via beat.doebe.le
Kay 2/2004 The Center of "Why?". Alan Kay's 2004 Kyoto Prize paper. /via Viewpoints Research Institute VPRI Memo M-2004-002 | alternative version at Kyoto University
Kay 9/2004 "The computer revolution", "computer science", and "software engineering" haven't happened yet AT EMSOFT '04: Proceedings of the 4th ACM international conference on Embedded softwareSeptember 2004, pp 6
Kay 12-Nov-2004 Video Kyoto Laureate Symposium: Dr. Allan Kay, 2004 Kyoto Laureate in Advanced Technology, Making the Invisible More Visible — Children, Powerful Ideas, and Technologies | Kyoto Laureate Alan Kay | Understanding Powerful Ideas, and How Computers Can Help mp4 download


Kestenbaum 1/2005 Interview David Kestenbaum: The challenges of IDC: What have we learned from our past? – A conversation with Seymour Papert, Marvin Minsky, and Alan Kay. In: Communications of the ACM 48(1) p. 35-38, 2005
Jan 2005 David A Smith, Andreas Raab , Yoshiki Ohshima , David P. Reed , Alan Curtis Kay: Filters and Tasks in Croquet IN C5 '05: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through ComputingJanuary 2005, pp 50–56
Dec 2005 Rieko Kadobayashi, Julian Lombardi , Mark P McCahill , Howard Stearns , Katsumi Tanaka , Alan Curtis Kay: Annotation authoring in collaborative 3D virtual environments IN ICAT '05: Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Augmented tele-existenceDecember 2005, pp 255–256
Kay 2005 Squeak Etoys, Children & Learning. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2005 VPRI Research Note RN-2005-001
Kay 2005 Squeak Etoys Authoring & Media. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2005 VPRI Research Note RN-2005-002
Kay ~2005 Enlightened Imagination For Citizens


Jan 2006 Rick McGeer, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed, David A. Smith, Alan C. Kay: Scalability of Collaborative Environments IN C5 '06: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through ComputingJanuary 2006, pp 168–174
Jan 2006 Rieko Kadobayashi, Julian Lombardi , Mark P McCahill , Howard Stearns , Katsumi Tanaka , Alan Curtis Kay: 3D Model Annotation from Multiple Viewpoints for Croquet IN C5 '06: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through ComputingJanuary 2006, pp 10–15
Kay 23-Feb-2006 Are 'Computer Science' and 'Software Engineering' Oxymorons? Lecture at the U of Utah /internet archive, Feb-23, 2006
Kay 23-Feb-2006 Children, Powerful Ideas, and the $100 Laptop. Lecture at the U of Utah /internet archive, Feb-23, 2006
Kay 3-5-Jul-2006 Video EuroPython 2006 in Geneva - Keynote by Alan Kay. part 1part 2part 3 | part 1/2/3 | summary by Rainout van Rees | summary by Guide von Rossum

[Squeakland 13-Aug-2007] the non universals

Kay et al. 8/2006 Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Yoshiki Ohshima, Ian Piurmata, Andreas Raab: Steps Toward The Reinvention of Programming. Proposal to NSF – Granted on August 31st 2006 | at Scribd
Kay 27-Nov-2006 Video How Simply and Understandably Could The “Personal Computing Experience” Be Programmed? The Intel Research Berkeley Programming Systems Seminar Series, 27-Nov.2006 (1:36') | on utube as Could Computing Be Simpler Than It Seems To Be?


Alter/Kay 14-Feb-2007 Quotes Allan Alter: Beyond the Box (The PC Must Be Revamped—Now). Interview with Alan Kay for CIO insight Feb-14, 2007

…in the last few years I’ve been asking computer scientists and programmers whether they’ve ever typed E-N-G-E-L-B-A-R-T into Google-and none of them have. I don’t think you could find a physicist who has not gone back and tried to find out what Newton actually did.

Kay 3/2007 Video A powerful idea about (teaching) ideas, TED 2007
A powerful idea about ideas /TED2007
Kay 2007 Thoughts About Teaching Science and Mathematics To Young Children. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2007 VPRI Memo M-2007-003-a
Kay 2007 Children Learning by Doing: Squeak Etoys on the OLPC XO. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2007 VPRI Research Note RN-2007-006-a
Kay 15-Jun-2007 Video Honoris Causa Degree in Informatica to Alan Curtis Kay by University of Pisa, Italy.
Kay 2007 The Real Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2007 VPRI Memo M-2007-007-a
Kay 7/2007 Video A Conversation with CMU Faculty & Students, July 2007, (1:20')
Kay 13-Aug-2007 [Squeakland] the non universals – comments on the EuroPython 2006 presentation
Kay 21-Nov-2007 Video Children, Computing and the Future, MobilFest, São Paulo
Kay et al. 12/2007 Alan Kay et al.: STEPS Toward The Reinvention of Programming. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2007 VPRI Technical Report TR-2007-008
Kay 2007 Reading List


Kay 20-May-2008 Video Beyond The Printing Press (40'), OLPC Countries, Cambridge 20-May-2008
Warth/Kay 6-Sep-2008 Alessandro Warth / Alan Kay: Worlds: Controlling the Scope of Side Effects. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2008 VPRI Research Note RN-2008-001
Kay et al. 10/2008 Alan Kay et al.: STEPS Toward The Reinvention of Programming, 2009 Progress Report Submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) October 2008. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2008, VPRI Technical Report TR-2008-004
Jepsen/Kay/Thacker 5-Nov-2008 Video The 40th Anniversary of the Dynabook, Panel: May Lou Jepsen, Alan Kay, Charles Thacker (1:44') Computer History Museum 5-Nov-2008
Kay 9-Dec-2008 Video Significance of the Vision - Event video from SRI International's December 2008 celebration of the 40th anniversary of Douglas Engelbart's 1968 "Mother of All Demos"


Kay 20-Jan-2009 Video The Ceremony of Awarding the Honorary Doctorate of Kyoto University to Dr. Alan Kay – A Lecture In Memory of Yahiko Kambayashi-sensei Systems Thinking For Children And Adults (53')
Kay et al. 10/2009 Alan Kay et al.: STEPS Toward The Reinvention of Programming, 2009 Progress Report Submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) October 2009. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2009
Kay 22-Oct-2009 Video Normal Considered Harmful (1:07'), Champaign Urbana UIUC, 22-Oct-2009


Gruener/Kay17-Apr-2010 Quotes Did Steve Jobs Steal The iPad? Genius Inventor Alan Kay Reveals All. Interview by Wolfgang Gruener, 17-Apr-2010
Kay et al. 10/2010 Alan Kay et al.: STEPS Toward Expressive Programming Systems, 2010 Progress Report Submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) October 2010. Viewpoints Research Institute, VPRI Technical Report TR-2010-0042010
Kay 15-Oct-2010 Video Alan Kay gives a class on programming languages at UCLA - October 2010
Kay 15-Oct-2010 Programming and Programming Languages – Class Notes UCLA. Viewpoints Research Institute, 2010
Kay 10/2010 Video Alan Kay's interview at the 2010 E-Learning Symposium
Kay 10/2010 Video Alan Kay's keynote address at the 2010 E-Learning Symposium
Kay/Kahney 16-Nov-2010 Alan Kay interviewed by Leander Kahney: Computers In Schools Are A Failure, Says Computer Pioneer Alan Kay [Apple in Education]

Americans generally think [computer in school] is about jobs, but it’s main purpose is to create a voting public who are sophisticated enough to sustain a democratic republic, where the “ultimate powers of the society” are placed in their hands.


Kay 3/2011 Video keynote talk srii 2011 (48'), 31-Mar-2011
Kay 6/2011 Video Alan Kay on learning to see. Alan's provocative answer to the question he recently posed to the graduating students at DePaul University. June 2011
Kay 21-Jul-2011 Video Programming and Scaling. Hasso Plattner Institute, 21-July-2011, 57'
July 2011 Alessandro Warth, Yoshiki Ohshima, Ted Kaehler, Alan Kay: Worlds: controlling the scope of side effects IN ECOOP'11: Proceedings of the 25th European conference on Object-oriented programmingJuly 2011 Pages 179–203


Kay 4/2012 Video Rethinking Design, Risk, and Software (1:07'), COFES 2012
Kay June 2012 Video Extracting Energy from the Turing Tarpit
Andrew Binstock/Kay 10-Jul-2012 Interview with Alan Kay, Dr.Dobbs
Kay 17-Jul-2012 Video An Interview with Computing Pioneer Alan Kay (25'), Paderborn | Eröffnung des Gebäude O
Kay/MacBird 27-Oct-2012 Video Bonnie MacBird and Alan Kay at the 30th anniversary TRON even in Los Angeles /via
Kay 14-Nov-2012 /published Video SCI X Keynote Presentation 2012 (1:23') University of Utah | on vimeo


Kay/Marvit 23-Jan-2013 Video Alan Kay interviewed by Dave Marvit, The Computer History Museum, CA, 23-Jan-2013 (33')
Kay 24-Jan-2013 Video Alan Kay guest keynote NATF2013 part 1 (25') part 2 (43'), Computer History Museum 24-Jan-2013
Kay 15-Mar-2013 The Future of Reading Depends on the Future of Learning Difficult to Learn Things. In: The Digital Turn. Design in the Era of Interactive Technologies /via Viewpoints Research Institute, 2013
Saffo/Kay/Sikka 26-Mar-2013 Video Technology and Transformation: Vishal Sikka and Alan Kay in Conversation with Paul Saffo at the Churchill Club March 2013
Kay/Greelish 2-Apr-2013 Quotes An Interview with Computing Pioneer Alan Kay. Interview by David Greelish, Time Tech, 2-Apr-2013
Kay 25-Jul-2013 Afterword: What is a Dynabook? In: 小学生からはじめるわくわくプログラミング /via Viewpoints Research Institute, 2013
Kay 30-Oct-2013 Video Is it really "Complex"? Or did we just make it "Complicated"? Alan addresses Qualcomm | utube | discussion | Alan Kay on iPad (1:24':30") - transcript
Kay 2013 Video Programming Languages & Programming (49')


Kay 3-Apr-2014 Video The Future Does Not Have to be Incremental. Alan Kay at DEMO Enterprise April 3, 2014, San Francisco , CA
Kay 24-Apr-2014 Video Alan Kay's tribute to Ted Nelson at "Intertwingled" Fest, 24-Apr-2014
  • Bonnie MacBird creating the script for TRON on a Xerox Alto
  • original Xerox PARC Smalltalk master tape backup survived – now emulated on JavaScript

bitsavers 23-Jan-2018: The preservation of the LRG Smalltalk packs in this video is inaccurate. They weren't in a giant pile of eWaste, they were in boxes at Weird Stuff Warehouse. I was the person who saved them. Here is an example of one of them now in the CHM collection.

Kay et al. 24-Apr-2014 Video Alan Kay et al.: Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson (1 day conferene at Chapman University, 24-Apr-2014)
Campell/Kay 20-Jun-2014 Video Gardner Campell interview with Alan Kay (2:54') google hangout


(Kay 5-Feb-2015) Video Our Most Important Revolution - Part 1, Part 2, Alan Kay @ STRAP, Feb 5, 2015 /via /unavailable
Kay 10-Aug-2015 /published Video Power of Simplicity, SAP simplify 2015 (51')
Lewis/Kay 16-May-2015 Video The 2015 Aspen Institute/ Kennedy Center Arts Summit with Alan Kay and Sarah Lewis, May 16, 2015, Washington DC
Pavlus/Kay 27-May-2015 John Pavlus, Alan Kay: 5 Steps To Re-create Xerox PARC's Design Magic (From The Guy Who Helped Make It), fastcodesign, 27 May 2015
Kay 2-Oct-2015 Video Rethinking CS Education, CrossRoads, 2 Oct 2015 (1:10')
  • idaes as matter vs. ideas as radiation
  • MML: Children are the message we send into the future.
    ACK: No, children are the future that we send into the future.
Kay 30-Oct2015 Video Alan Kay at the Media Lab 30th Anniversary Celebration at MIT on October 30, 2015 (47') | all videos from the event
Kay 4-Nov-2015 /published Video Alan Kay @ SAP (1:12')
2015 ––––: The Two-Eyed Man in Dechow, Struppa (ed): Intertwingled - The Work and Influence of Ted Neslon. Springer


Kay since 25-Feb-2016 Alan Kay on Quora [12/2018: 41 topcis, 228 answers]
Sikka/Kay 12-May2016 Video Alan Kay in conversation with Vishal Sikka, CHI 2016 Plenary (47')
Kay 21-Jul-2016 Programming and Scaling (56'), Hasso Plattner Institute
July 2016 Yoshiki Ohshima, Alessandro Warth, Bert Freudenberg, Aran Lunzer, Alan Curtis Kay: Towards Making a Computer Tutor for Children of All Ages: A Memo at PX/16: Proceedings of the Programming Experience 2016 (PX/16)
Mahler/Kay Sep-2016 Jimmy Mahler: The Freedom to Associate. The Digital Antiquarian 9/16. – Alan Kay shares insights on Bill Atkinson’s WildCard/HyperCard in the comments.
Armstrong/Kay 3-Nov-2016 Video Joe Armstrong interviews Alan Kay (1:16') CODE MESH London 11/3/2016 | also on vimeo
Kay 21-Sep-2016 Video Keynote - The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Invent It CRESSTCon; Sept. 21, 2016 (46') | also on vimeo


Kay Jan-2017 /published Video 60 seconds with Alan Kay - Teachers Make a Difference (4'33")
Kay 5-Apr-2017 What made Xerox PARC special? Who else today is like them? Quora Apr 2017
Kay 9-May-2017 Video How to Invent the Future part 1 | part 2, Stanford Center doe Professional Development
Kay 25-May-2017 Video Education That Takes Us To The 22nd Century, Keynote at CrossRoads 2017


Silveira 2018 Video Daniel Silveira: The Augmentation of Douglas Engelbart. farcebook announcement | The Augmentation of Douglas Engelbart (64')
Aug 2018 Video VR@50: Reception Honoring Ivan Sutherland
Kay 26-Sep-2018 Video 2018 Lindberg-King Lecture: The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It. But Is It Already Too Late to Create a Healthy Future? 26-Sep-2018 | NIH VideoCast
Kay 12/2018 Video 1968. 50 Years ago was a memorable time for the birth of computing (44') IT25・50 Symposium Live /via Alan Kay and Quora


Kay /draft How? – When “What Will It Take?” Seems Beyond Possible, We Need To Study How *Immense Challenges* Have Been Successfully Dealt With In The Past
Kay 13-Jun-2019 Video Scaling up the circular economy | Alan Kay, Ellen MacArthur Foundation Summit 2019 (25'32")
Kay 30-Oct-2019 50 years of the Internet celebration at at HereEast in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Keynote by Alan Kay on the lessons to be learned from the ARPA Community and Xerox PARC
Bonus: Internet at 50 - Alan Kay References
Gruzdial, Kay et al. Nov-2019 Mark Guzdial, Alan Kay, Cathie Norris, Elliot Soloway: Computational Thinking Should Just be Good Thinking, CACM
Kay Marvin Minsky and the Ultimate Tinker Toy IN Marvin Minsky et al.: Inventive Minds: Marvin Minsky on Education


HNF Blog 2020 Alan Kay - Der Visionär
Kay Mar-2020 Video Alan Kay interview at XT20 conference
Kay 11-Sep-2020 Video Decarbonisining America is Possible, But What Will It Take? | Alan Kay | Summit 2020



Kay 2021 The Future of Text IN Frode Hegland (ed) The Future of Text Volume 1 p44-47
Kay 4/2021 Video FutureLaw 2021 | Opening Keynote: There Oughta be a Law!
Kay 8/2021 Video Making Progress ETE 2021
Kay 11/2021 Video Is Software Engineering Still an Oxymoron? GOTO 2021


CHM 1-Sep-2022 Video Computer History Museum Live: Making Smalltalk with Adele Goldberg, Daniel Ingalls, (prerecorded) Alan Kay /2022


Kay 2/2024 Video UCLA guest lecture

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