     of Hypertext and Graphical User Interfaces

Ted Nelson Media Center

collected by Matthias Müller-Prove; last update: Fri, Aug 16, 2024

Verified references have signatures with square brackets. The others are taken from various sources, but I still dare to get my fingers on them. Please let me know, if you find new references to Ted Nelson’s oeuvre: contact mprove

Thanks to Francesc Hervada-Sala, Hartmut Obendorf, and Jakob Voss.

Year Reference
[1957] Audio Nelson, Theodor Holm (lyrics) / Richard Caplan (music): Anything & Everything | poster
[1959] Video Nelson, Theodor Holm (director): The Epiphany of Slocum Furlow. 33'. Slocum Furlow Scene 7 - The Classroom
1959 Nelson, Theodor Holm: Life, Love, College, etc. (originally entitled We Need a Sociology Department)
[1961] –––––: The Whole Thing /via: my whole 1961 philosophy manuscript, as messed up by flooding
22+22+26+24+18+28+22+30 pages | PDF
1965 –––––:The Hypertext, in: Proc. World Documentation Federation Conf. 1965
[1965]  –––––: A File Structure for the Complex, The Changing and the Indeterminate, ACM 20th National Conference, pages 84-100, 1965
1965 –––––: Suggestion for an On-Line Braille Display. proceedings of the Society for Information Display autumn 1965
1965 –––––: Computer-Indexed Film Handling. SMPTE conference preprint autumn 1965
1966 –––––: Hypertext Notes: ten brief essays on hypertext forms circulated in manuscript circa 1966
[22-Sep-1966] Audio –––––: Hard and Fast Thoughts for a Softcopy World at Rand Corporation (67 minutes audio)
23-Dec-1966 –––––: Xanadu66 Manual
[1967] –––––: Getting It Out of Our System. In George Schlechter (ed), Information Retrieval: A Critical Review. p. 191-210, Thompson Books, 1967.
[1967] –––––: Ted Nelson’s patent database diagram
1967 –––––: Media 72 (unpublished)
1969 n.n.: Nelson’s the Name, and What He Proposes Could Outdo Engelbart. Electronics Magazine, 24 Nov 69, p. 79
1969 Steven Carmody, Walter Gross, Theodor H. Nelson, David Rice, and Andries van Dam. A Hypertext Editing System for the /360 in Faiman and Nievergelt (eds.) Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of the Second University of Illinois Conference on Computer Graphics, pp. 291-330, University of Illinois Press, 1969
1970 –––––: No More Teacher’s Dirty Looks. Computer Decisions September 1970, Fully reprinted in Ted Nelson, "Computer Lib" 1974
[1970] –––––: BARNUM-TRONICS, a grand declaration of intent in Swartmore Collage Bulletin, Alumni Issue Dec 1970
[1970] –––––: Ted Nelson hypertext notes – Ted Nelson’s handwritten notes on hypertext. These notes address the possibilities for hypertext applications in the field of patent law and include various annotated documents.
1971 –––––: Computopia and Cypercrud. In: Roger Levien (ed.): Computers in Introduction. Rand Corporation, 1971
[1973] –––––: As We Will Think. Proceedings of Online 72 Conference, Brunel University, Uxbridge, England, 1973. Reprinted In: Nyce, James / Kahn, Paul (eds): From Memex to Hypertext : Vannevar Bush and the Mind’s Machine. p. 245. Academic Press, Boston, MA, 1991 | 1972 edition
1973 –––––: A Conceptual Framework for Man-Machine Everything. proceedings of the AFIPS National Joint Computer Conference 1973
[Nelson 74] –––––: Computer Lib / Dream Machines; Distributors, South Bend IN, 1974. (some excerpts)
Computer Lib Dream Machines is being republished (2014).
ChronoLink to internet archive
1974 Ted Nelson, in Levien (editor):Computopia and Cybercrud. The Rand Corporation 1974
1974 Ted Nelson, Tom DeFanti and Dan Sandin: Computer Graphics as a Way of Life. proceedings of the first SIGGRAPH conference 1974
1977 –––––: The Home Computer Revolution
1977 –––––: Selected Paper 1965-1977, 124 pages
1978 –––––: View from the Top – Techno Politics in Penthouse 10/1978, pp 52-54
1978 –––––: Computer Lib in Omni 11/1978, pp 59-62 | on vendor lock-in
[1979] Max Allen and Ted Nelson discuss the future of computers (CBC Radio Rewind), also on youtube
1980 –––––: Replacing the Printed [Written??] Word: A Complete Literary System, Lavington, Simon H., : Information Processing: Proceedings of the 1980 IFIP World Computer Congress , 8, 1013-1023. North-Holland, Amsterdam
1980 –––––: Interactive Systems and the Design of Virtuality. Creative Computing, 6(11 & 12), 1980 [by Tog’s Magic and Software Design]
1981 –––––: Literary Machines. Swarthmore, PA. 1981
1986 –––––: The Tyranny of the File. Datamation magazine 15 December 1986
1987 –––––: Literary Machines, volume Version 87.1. Published by author, 1987. /at internet archive
1987 –––––: Computer Lib/Dream Machines. Microsoft Press, Washington, 16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017 Redmon, Washington, 1987.
1987 –––––: All For One and One For All, Hypertext `87 Proceedings, November 1987
1988 –––––: Managing immense storage. Byte, 13(1):225--233, 1988.
[1990] –––––: The Right Way to Think About Software Design. In: Laurel, Brenda (ed): The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. p. 235-243. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990
[1990] Video Douglas Adams: Hyperland. 50' BBC 1990
[11/1990] Video TEDtalk by TED at the TED2 conference, 9-Nov-1990 | better audio | toot
1990 –––––: General Schematics: Introduction to the terminology
1991 –––––: Speech delivered at MultiMedia Expo '91, New York
1992 XOC, Inc.: Xanadu Hypermedia Server, Developer Documentation, Mindful Press, (1992).
1992]IZHD –––––: Opening Hypertext: A Memoir. In: Tuman, M.C. (ed): Literacy Online. The Promise (and Peril) of Reading and Writing with Computers. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh (1992) - pp. 43-57
[1992] Video Nelson, Theodor Holm (director): Silicon Valley Story. Preview 1.3. Starring Ted Nelson, Douglas Engelbart, Rick Mascitti, Stewart Brand, and Timothy Leary as the venture capitalist. The Timothy Leary Archives #189. (also at youtube)
[1992] Ted Nelson interviewed by John Perry Barlow, Mondo 2000
[1993] Nelson, Theodor Holm: Literary Machines. 93.1. Mindful Press, Sausalito, CA, 1993. LM(Oct 2000) / at Eastgate Systems
1994 –––––: Xanadu: Document Interconnection Enabling Re-Use with Automatic Author Credit and Royalty Accounting. Information Services & Use , 14 (1994).
1994 Video –––––: Cinema for the Mind, U.C. Santa Cruz part 2
1994 –––––: Cinema for the Mind
1995 –––––: Transcopyright:unpublished.
[1995] –––––: The heart of connection: hypermedia unified by transclusion. In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 38(8) p. 31-33, 1995

“transpointing windows”

[1995b] Video –––––: Where the Trail Leads at The Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush Symposium 1995 – Video Archive, YouTube
1995 Video Ted Nelson at the Vannevar Bush Symposium 1995 | internet archive
[1996] –––––: Generalized Links, Micropayment and Transcopyright, Interview by Doug Crockford, IBM Research (local paper copy)
[1997] –––––: The Future of Information. ASCII Corporation, Tokyo, 1997. INFUTscans(Oct 2000)
[1997b] –––––: Embedded Markup Considered Harmful. In XML: Principles, Tools, and Techniques (World Wide Web Journal 2(4, Fall) 1997.
[1997c] –––––: Crush and Crash: Logic of a Terrible Tomorrow. In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 40 No. 2 p. 90-91, 1997
[1998]  ––––– and Pam, Andrew: ZigZag(tm) Hyperstructure Kit:The ZigZag Commands. Project Xanadu, version 0.49 edition, 1998
[1999] –––––: Xanalogical Structure, Needed Now More than Ever: Parallel Documents, Deep Links to Content, Deep Versioning and Deep Re-Use. In: ACM Computing Surveys. Vol. 31 No. 4es, 1999.
[Nelson 99b] –––––: The unfinished revolution and Xanadu. In: ACM Computing Surveys. Vol. 31 No. 4es, 1999
presented at Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution (Symposium), Dec ’98
[Nelson 99c] –––––: Time To Liberate The Web. In: Inter@ctive Week, October 25, 1999
[1999] –––––: JFax > PDF. e-mail with Matthias Müller-Prove, Oct. 1999
[Nelson 99d] –––––: Way Out Of The Box
[2000] –––––: Re: Do I know you?. email with Matthias Müller-Prove, Apr. 2000
2000 –––––: Citizen Nelson
2001 –––––: Philosophy of Hypertext, PhD thesis amazon
[2001] Video Ted Nelson at ACM Hypertext 2001

Some quotes:

[2'10"] I think of the world wide web and XML and cascading style sheets is the ultimate triumph of the typewriter over the author. +++ three fundamental problems today: 1) hierarchical file structures 2) simulation of paper 3) the application prison +++ [12'40"] Software is a branch of movie making. +++ [17'50"] The question is about starting over. +++ ZigZag / Authoplectic structures where trees and tables are just edge cases. +++

[2001] InterviewAudio Visionary Lays Into the Web / We have settled for less. Ted Nelson interview on BBC Go Digital, 2001
[2001] –––––: Some Alternative Computer Universe IN Creative Digital Media, p33-38
[2003] –––––: Structure, Tradition and Possibility; keynote at ACM Hypertext 2003, Nottingham,abstract, photo gallery with slides
[2004] Video –––––: Ted’s best lecure ever, Oxford 16-Jun-2004
[2004] Video –––––: Rose-Hulman Institute, Sep 30 2004
2005 –––––: TransLit™, the new open-source Xanadu. new (1)2005, author info
[2005] Video –––––: The Politics Of Internet Software 'Geeks Bearing Gifts'. oxford internet institute: webcast (1:26') | archived


[27'] ”War is too important to be left to the generals“. – The software is too important to human life to allow the decissions to be made by those with only technical background.

? Video –––––: A Very General Lecture; at Oxford
[2007] Video –––––: Transclusion: Fixing Electronic Literature. Google TechTalk Jan 29, 2007 (53')
[2007] Video –––––: Intertwingularity. When Ideas Collide. Video at University of Southhampton, May 2007 – a month before his 70th birthday (90') / at youtube
[2007] Video –––––: Ted Nelson on Software (7')
[2007] Video –––––: Ted Nelson TV interview in Brazil

Some artist asked me the other night in Rio, "What are the opportunities for artist?" And I said, "It is the job of an artist to find opportunities!"

[2008] Video –––––: Ted Nelson at St. Paul's School, London, 5 Feb 2008
[2008] Video –––––: A very general lecture, 17-Mar-2008
[2008] Video –––––: Ted Nelson demonstrates Xanadu Space
[2009] –––––: Geeks Bearing Gifts (209 pages) at / bei
[2009] Video –––––: Ted Nelson at 50th reunion at Swarthmore, June 2009
[2009] Video –––––: Ted at University of Bologna, 2009.06.26
[2010] –––––: POSSIPLEX: Movies, Intellect, Creative Control, My Computer Life and the Fight for Civilization (380 pages) at download, printed
[2010] Video Possiplex Book Launch at the Internet Archive, Oct 8, 2010
[2011] Video –––––: Ted Nelson at The Future of Text, 22-Sep 2011 – (Ted's presentation is between 1:40' - 2:00')
[2011] Video –––––: Ted Nelson on the future of text, October 2011
[2012] Video –––––: Computers for Cynics 0 - The Myth of Technology, 22-May-2012 (14' 45")
[2013] –––––: Ted Nelson at The Future of Text 2013
[2013] Video –––––: Ted at Homebrew Computer Club
[2013] Video –––––: Ted Nelson's Eulogy for Douglas Engelbart
[2014] Video ––––– et al.: Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson (1 day conferene at Chapman University, 24-Apr-2014)
[8/2014] Video Triangulation 164: Ted Nelson
[2015] Video –––––: Ted Nelson at The Future of Text 2015
[2015] –––––: What Box? in Dechow, Struppa (ed): Intertwingled - The Work and Influence of Ted Neslon. Springer
Douglas R. Dechow, Daniele C. Struppa: Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson
[2016] Video –––––: Two Cheers for Now (45') Web Science Institute, U of Southampton
[2016] Video –––––: Norway, Software and Me, Oslo 2015
[2017] Audio –––––: Ted's Presentation at his 80th Birthday Party ()
[2019] Video –––––: Tools & Craft Ted Nelson, Interview by Devin Zuegel
[4/2019] Video –––––: There is Too Much to Say and it Goes in all Directions (62')
15-Feb-2019 Video –––––: Hypercast! An experiment, 2019.02.15
9-Oct-2019 –––––: Xanadu History 1960-2019, 2019.10.09
22-May-2020 Video Marc Weber, Ted Nelson et al.: Ted explains Xanadu to Marc Weber's seminar
29-May-2020 Conversation between Ted Nelson and Lee Felsenstein :: 20' counter culture | 24' social internet | 28' SDS 940 (Engelbart’s SRI computer) |
Jun 2020 TheTedNelson 2.0 – all tweets by Ted Nelson; captured and looped by mprove
? –––––: Simplicity Versus Power in User Systems (unpublished, referenced in DM 52)
? –––––: Errors in "The Curse of Xanadu," by Gary Wolf . ararat(June 2001)
–––––: Biostrategy and Polymind
<97 –––––: The Checkmate Proposal
? –––––: WORLD ENOUGH: The Manuscript Edition. Contents(June 2001)
2001 –––––: Home Page of Ted Nelson.,
? –––––: Xanadu Papers, 18 pages
1950s-1980s Ted Nelson's Junk Mail Cartons collection at Internet Archive, more than 6,000 promotional marketing brochures on computers and office automation

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