ChronoMedia :: Chrono Research Lab


Movie Theatre for Culture and History

Danke Matthias für deine unermüdliche Verortung!
Heute haben mich die vielen Podcasts besonders verzaubert! – Gaby Gietzelt

Alpha 2

- experimental -

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ChronoMedia/all /360° /3D /dance /documentary /DouglasAdams /event /mediathek /movie /museum /music /podcast /timetravel /urbandevelopment /webcam

Alpha 1

Entdecke handverlesene Videos, Podcasts, WebCams, 3D-Rundgänge… zumeist aus dem kulturellen Sektor.
Tieferes Einzoomen fördert weitere Cam-Icons ans Licht.

Hand-picked videos, podcasts, webcams, 3D-Scans… mostly related to history and culture_

Painting / Photography

Lascaux August Macke Piet Mondriaan Rolf Nesch Andreas Feininger Frieder Nake Andreas Magdanz - Stammheim A. Magdanz - Regierungsbunker


La Rivière Maman Alberto Burri’s land art

Music / Concert

Nippur Weihnachtsoratorium WG Siegen Hania Rani Kat Frankie & Charlotte Brandi Kat Frankie & Francesco Wilking - 911

Dance / Ballet

Tartu - Winter Folk Dance Sasha Waltz Rome Opera Ballet: Nuit Romaine Hamburg Ballett: Young Choreographers


Men Without Hat: Safety Dance The Breakfast Club (1984) Kayleigh Dance Your PhD


In Xanadu did Kubla Khan_ T.S. Elliot: The Waste Land Thomas Mann: Zauberberg (D)

Time Travel Movies and Stories

La Jetée (F 1962) The Chronoscope (2009) Alistair1918 (2016) 41 (2012) AnaDigi Tours (D 2016) The Woolwich Foot Tunnel Anomaly (2017) One-Minute Time Machine (2023)

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The historic time rides provided by the Chrono Research Lab are a free service by Matthias Müller-Prove. On the other hand this means that I do have some expenses on traveling across centuries. You can support this trip by donating a little tip:

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