VoLcanO 3D

Interactive roundtrip to some hotspots on Planet Earth

We live on a hot liquid rock with a thin crust. The surface of Planet Earth is formed by tectonics and bubbling hot lava during millions of years. Here are a couple of hot spots visualized with the Chronoscope World.

EuropeThe AtlanticAmericaPacificAsiaAntarcticaBonus

The Atlantic

Pico del Teyde on Tenerife

Crater view at Pico del Teide
| Perpsective | Teide
Do you believe that this is the same spot?

Altitudinal zonation of vegetation forms at Pico del Teide on Tenerife Timewarp Alexander von Humboldt 1817 /via ChronoAlex

La Palma at the Canary Islands


Laacher See Lake Laach /last eruption about 12,900 years ago. hawk zoom

Dragney is a 700,000 year old volcano in Iceland. Well, the remains of the volcano.

The Fagradalsfjall has a live-cam! >> screenshots

Jules Verne’s science fiction novel Journey to the Center of the World starts at Snæfellsjökull on Iceland – while Stromboli provides the exit of the cave system.

Stromboli satellite view

HAPAG Ahoi! Stromboli ca. 1909 (2 photos)

Italy has several cold and hot volcanos; for instance the crater lakes:
Lago di Bolsena Lago de Bracciano ol Vulcanus Sabatinus Lacus et Vulcanus Albanus

Mount Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii in 79 A.D. City plan

View up to the volcano

Alexander von Humboldt witnessed Versuv’s eruption in 1805. /via
More on Humboldt’s expeditions at ChronoAlex

The volcano is still active:

HAPAG Ahoi! Vesuvius ca. 1938 (7 photos)

Mount Etna hawk zoom Aetnae in Sicilia 1707

HAPAG Ahoi! Sicily ca. 1936 (11 photos)

Vulcani e fenomeni vulcanici : Geologia d'Italia. Parte III / per Giuseppe Mercalli, 1883


Mont Pelée on Martinique

Mount Pelée on Martinique Perspective

Ruins of Co-Cathedral of Our Lady of Assumption on Martinique after the eruption of 1902 Perspective
/via HAPAG Ahoi! #St. Pelée (8 photos) on #Martinique (34 photos) ca. 1909 #

Jorullo in Mexico satellite view of Jorullo hawk zoom Jorullo 1845

Geognostische Schnitt entlang des Weges zwischen Acapulco und Mexico-Stadt /via


Volcanos in Ecuador 1894 Volcanos in Ecuador 1897

Satellite view of Cotopaxi hawk zoom 5897m

Gipfel des Cotopaxi 5753m. Wenige electrische Explosionen mit Donner begleitet. –Humboldt

Satellite view of Chimborazo hawk zoom 6268m

Gipfel des Chimborazo 6544m; die gemessene Basis durch Laplace’s barometrische Formel auf die Meeresfläche reduciert. – Viele leuchtende Meteore. –Humboldt

Humbold und Bonpland
am Fuß des Chimborazo; von Friedrich Georg Weitsch (1810) /via

Quer_Profil durch das Hochland von Quito

Tiefenprofil von Santiago nach Buenos Aires

Geology: comparative shapes and heights of mountains. Coloured aquatint by A. Tardieu after L. Brugiere. 1817


On the ring of fire…

Sarychev Volcano Zoom in hawk zoom

Miyakejima – South of Japan

South-east Asia

Malay Archipelago

Things I believe but cannot prove… Gilibanta Island

/via Kalimaya Diving Resort

Smithsonian Institute has no evidence for an eruption of Gilibanta for the recent 10,000 years. However, I believe that a volcano eruption has significantly reshaped the island after 1835. Some historical maps support this hypotheses; but are they accurate and reliable? A map from 1835 shows Glibanta with a convex shape:

10 years later the shape is slim and concave; similar to the current outline:

Maybe the map from 1858 was not updated yet:

ChronoMedia :: Gili Banta Anchorage, Indonesia /a drone flight 9/2018

Next West: Gunong Api has two peaks

Plenty of smoking volcanos on Java


Mount Berlin The Berlin volcano was last active less then 10.000 years ago.


Geologische Karte der Erde von 1820

R.E. Raspe: An Account Of Some German Volcanos, And Their Productions; 1776

Carl Cäsar von Leonhard: Vulkanen-Atlas zur Naturgeschichte der Erde; 1844

Erwin Raisz (1893 - 1968) has drawn a set of geological illustrations about the upper layers of the Earth.

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