Kayleigh Sebastianstr. Berlin

Historische Perspektiven auf Berlin

This twitter thread is so precious. It shouldn’t get lost.

–Status: quick'n'dirty grid layout–

MCantow: Eine Adresse mit eigener Geschichte

Do you remember? Kayleigh by Marillion; video clip filmed at #BerlinWall 1985

BerlinCompainion: Oh, you made me cry with that song! Suddenly remembered all of my high school friends with whom we sang it at the top of ours lungs, being 10x louder than the cassette player. Good Times

(a slightly extended version on utube with an unfortunate dizzy filter)

1:07 die St. Michael Kirche ChronoLink

BerlinCompanion: I never knew that! Loved that song but since we had no MTV or like, just the radio, back then I don't know the clip too well. What a wonderful surprise!

Jeroen von Marle: Nearly fell off my chair last year when I discovered that the clip of this song from my childhood was filmed where at the spot I live now (where the border crossing watchtower was, behind the boy in one scene). I now have to think of Fish every time I walk to the Turkish bakery.

Do you remember? Kay Lee /"full circle in a way"

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