Deutsche Version

Mensch & Computer 2004 Qualitative and Quantitative Usability Testing – a Hybrid Approach

Presentation at Mensch und Computer 2004; Paderborn Sep 5-8, 2004


Tim Bosenick, SirValUse Consulting
Matthias Müller-Prove, Sun Microsystems


Qualitative results of usability tests are of high value for the software development process. In many cases they already contain clues how to resolve the user's problem. On the other hand, quantitative data are needed to support the planning and controlling process. Up to now it was not possible to collect qualitative and quantitative data within the same usability test. The classical way of conducting usability test prevents repeatable conditions that are necessary for measures.

A new approach -- developed by SirValUse and Sun -- delivers qualitative and quantitative data within the same study.


hybrid_eng 13 slides, 360 KB

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