This collection of talks and conversations on culture and science should provide insights that are otherwise lost in the vastness of the world wide web. There is no specific order, but lots of implicit references among the ideas.
-Matthias mprove
Talks in English
- 11 minutes
Fiona Shaw talks about Nothing
Rubin Museum of Art 2011
Let's Walk with Simon Critchley and Fiona Shaw (45' 2017)
Fiona Shaw at Oxford Union, 2019 (60 minutes)
TheFionaShaw The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot /part 1
à propos: Nahre Sol on Melodies in Everyday Speech
- 31 minutes
Wim Wenders: Painter, Filmmaker, Photographer
Louisiana Channel 2014
- 75 minutes
Brian Eno: What is Art actually for?
AA School of Architecture 2016
Brian Eno and Danny Hillis: White on White (3 minutes)
Brian Eno 2018 on generative art (77 minutes) Peel Lecture - Brian Eno, 2015 (68 minutes)
- 23 minutes
Panel with Brian Ferren, Alan Kay, Danny Hillis on Storytelling at TED7, 1997 - 47 minutes
Kurt Vonnegut† at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 2004
The Shape of All Stories
- 44 minutes
Lawrence Lessig: The Internet’s Coming Silent Spring
at USENIX 2002
FollowUp: How copyright filters lead to wage-theft
- 37 minutes
Kirby Ferguson: Everything is a Remix Remastered, 2015
- 5 minutes
Margaret Hamilton, NASA’s first software engineer
A similar portrait by the Computer History Museum (8 minues)
Margaret Hamilton at ICSE 2018 (64 minutes)
Robert Wills: Light Years Ahead | The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer (80 minutes)
- 77 minutes
Adele Goldberg & Dan Ingalls on SmallTalk and the innovatioon culture at Xerox PARC’s Learners Research Group, 2022
Xerox Alto and Smalltalk
- 105 minutes
Neil Postman: Informing ourselves to death, 1993
(hosted by Alan Kay and Don Norman in the audience!)
- 39 minutes
John Oliver on the rigor of laughter in these crazy political times
The Philadelphia Citizen -Ideas We Should Steal- Festival, 2020
Last Week Tonight LastWeekTonight | cf. Vint Cerf on March-20, 2020
- 44 minutes
Andri Magnason: May you live in interesting times
Bucerius Zukunftscamp 2014
- 45 minutes
Emily Maitlis: Boiling Frog – why we have to stop normalising the absurd in journalism
MacTaggart Lecture at the Edinburgh International TV Festival, 2022
maitlis /via Annette Dittert
- 59 minutes
Hermann Maurer: Technological Dreams & Nightmares – An Outlook To The (Near) Future
Shaping Interactive Knowledge for the 21st Century, Lübeck 2005
- 50 minutes
Stephen Fry: Social Media and AI: A means to an end or a means to the end?
Digital Futures Institute, King‘s Collage London 2024
ChronoMedia on Stephen Fry
38 minutes
Kate Crawford: Rematerializing AI; CHI 2024 keynote
Anatomy of AI, 2020
- 4 minutes
Hans Rosling†: 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes
More Hans Rosling at TED
- 45 minutes
Carolyn Steel: How to Feed Cities
ChronoLink to London 1540
- 45 minutes
Thomas Madsen-Mygdal on Reboot’ing
Raum Schiff Erde 2010
- 2 minutes
Steve Jobs†: Secrets of Life 1994
- 68 minutes
Christopher Alexander†: Patterns in Architecture at OOPSLA 1996
Elements of Style
Christopher Alexander - Life in Buildings, interview 2008
- 62 minutes
Bill Verplank’s keynote at interaction 11, 2011
Bill Verplank Sketching Metaphors 2008 /photo set
- 70 minutes
Alan Kay: Rethinking CS Education, 2015
Alan Kay Media Centrer
- 70 minutes
Clifford Stoll at Enterprise Solutions Summit, 1999
Cliff Stoll: The Call to Learn, TEDglobal 2008
University of Buffalos Bell Tower Cliff Stoll and the KGB
- 7 minutes
Ivan Sutherland’s closing remarks at Hyperkult XX, 2011
The Art of Engineering | Leadership | Fun
- 53 minutes
Barbara Hannigan interviewed by Sarah Willis: Performing and Music Communication, 2013
Masterclass with Barbara Hannigan
(90 minutes conversation), 17-May-2021
HanniganBarbara More Hannigan videos
sarahwillis Sarah´s Horn Hangouts
- 60 minutes
John Neumeier:
Moving People – Dance As A Living Shape Of Emotion
2015 Kyoto Prize Commemorative Lecture by the Laureate in Arts and Philosophy John Neumeier, director of the Hamburg Ballet:
sentiments on the philosophy of ballet start at minute 35
Neumeier Dances
John R. Johnson’s photos of John Neumeier Ballets
And more good stuff_
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By Matthias Müller-Prove. Created: April, 2020 Modified: