Digital technology is becoming part of our human culture like reading and writing. As we are in the midst of the revolution, my aim is to understand, comment and drive the shift. Computer and information science is – more than ever – a social science. We develop systems for people. Therefore, we are responsible for the consequences on our culture. This is what it means to be a human computer interactivist.
Klang der Sterne | Sound of the Universe /2016
Beyond HyperLocal /2015
Hyper-Chronoskop /2015
We were standing on the shoulders of giants /2014
Joseph Weizenbaum: Social and political impact of the long term history of computing /2007
Hermann Maurer: Technological Dreams & Nightmares /2005
Raum Schiff Erde – congress for digital philosophy, interaction design, and net culture ::
The Medium is the Massage – Marshall McLuhan
Bill Buxton on Being Human in a Digital Age /2008
Vom Persönlichen Computer zum Sozialen Medium. Paradigmenwechsel der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. Kapitel 5 aus Mensch-Computer-Interface. Zur Geschichte und Zukunft der Computerbedienung, transcript 2008
Social Informatics – Von Menschen, Maschinen und Medien /2009
Welt des Digitalen Wissens /2011
Modell und Anwendungsperspektive des Social Tagging, Waxmann 2008
Social Enterprise Tools. Beispiel Sun. /2009
My Virtual Identity /2010
Eine Vortragsreihe an der HAWK Hildesheim von 2015 - 2018, 2023