Resources on Marshall McLuhan

We are shaping the tools. And the tools are shaping us. –MML

Wikipedia: Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan "official site"

The Marshall McLuhan Center on Global Communications

McLuhan on delicious -/mprove


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comprehansive bibliography at

AudioThe Medium is the Massage, LP Cover

The Medium is the Massage. Columbia Records, 1968 (LP side 1, side 2) [via]
Marshall McLuhan on the Dick Cavett Show in December 1970 (mp3) /wayback machine: mp3
Marshall McLuhan appeared on the Dick Cavett Show in December of 1970 along with Truman Capote and Chicago Bears running back, Gayle Sayers. Both Capote and Sayers participated in the discussion with McLuhan.
This recording was made on reel-to-reel audio tape in 1970 and directly transferred to computer in 2005. Unfortunately, the exact date of the show was not noted, except that the show did take place before Christmas.
All commercials and breaks were removed from McLuhan's appearance. [via]
Speaking Freely hosted by Edwin Newman features Marshall McLuhan 4 Jan 1971, Public Broadcasting/N.E.T. (mp3) /wayback machine: mp3
"Where would you look for the message in an electric light?" Spend nearly an hour with University of Toronto professor of English, Marshall McLuhan, as he discusses electronic technology, transportation, and communications. Also probing the issues of acoustic and personal space, McLuhan expresses his thoughts about print media and where it's headed. Author of several books including The Medium is the Message, Canadian-born McLuhan was also director of the Center for Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto. Originally aired on PBS-TV, 4 January, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. (Philadelphia, PA area), McLuhan appeared on "Speaking Freely," hosted by NBC's Edwin Newman. [via]

Theatre of the Visual Arts 1971 – Marshall McLuhan, W.A. Auden, Buckminister Fuller & Jack MacGowran (32')

Marshall McLuhan 1966: Media, Art, Culture and Global Village (44')



People & Community

Derrick De Kerckhove

McLuhan Program, U of TorontoText, Context and Hypertext, three conditions of language, three conditions of mindThe Architecture of Intelligence. – Hybrid Symposium at Ars Electronica 2005on Internet Pathologies (2009)

Mark Federman

What is the Meaning of The Medium is the Message? What is the (Next) Message? (blog)
McLuhan Centre
at U of Toronto


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