Urban Intervention - 404 für Deggendorf

Session zur Social Media Week, 17.2.2014, 18 Uhr im MakerHub Hamburg

Vier digitale Pioniere sprechen über ihre Zunft und unsere Zukunft. Wie kommt man vom globalen Dorf in die urbane digitale Nachbarschaft? Wie von Hannover nach Deggendorf? Und warum? Was ist aus den technisch-kulturellen Visionen geworden, und warum brauchen wir den ganzen Krempel (so) nicht? Betrachtungen zwischen Wahn und Sinn, dargeboten in einer interaktiven Talk-Show.

Tweets about "#smw404"

Die Wand

Zur Multivisionswand

Der Film

auf YouTube


3D Baby
3D Babies | Gedanken zum 3D Druck von Designforscher Florian A. Schmidt:
Interfaces im urbanen Raum
Recyclism 2.4
Recyclism aka Benjamin Gaulon
MIT 9-209
SkyCall | Spaxels
Massage 67
Linkliste zu Marshall McLuhan
Ted 74
Ausschnitte aus Computer Lib / Dream Machines | Linkliste zu Ted Nelson
Doug 200
Douglas Engelbarts "Mother of all demos" | NLS | Welt des Digitalen Wissens
24 12 68
Die Crew von Apollo 8 entdeckt die Erde | Blaue Murmel – Spaceship Earth
001 212 840 9623
Phone Box on Times Square
Weltstadt Wittmund
Webcam in Wittmund


von Bernd und Kristina

Speaker – a.k.a. "the urban gang of four"

Kai von Luck Kai von Luck (Professor, HAW)

Kai is a professor for computer science at the University of Applied Sciences HAW in Hamburg. His expertise lies in the field of digital construction and their consequences within ambient intelligence. He operates among others the Living Place Hamburg, an intelligent living environment, and runs a further education course Next Media for Digital Journalism.

Martin Kohler Martin Kohler (Hafen City Universität)

Martin teaches Urban Photography at the HafenCity University Hamburg and a the Leuphana University, Lüneburg. He researches on large urban agglomerations with more than 10 million people and curates art projects on the edge between art and the city. Also, he works as editor-in-chief for the magazine polis.

Stefan Wölwer Stefan Wölwer (Professor, HAWK Hildesheim)

Stefan is a professor for interaction design at the university of applied sciences and arts HAWK in Hildesheim. He is a freelance editor for a range of design magazines such as PAGE, WEAVE, Design-Report and form.

Matthias Müller-Prove Matthias Müller-Prove (Human-Computer Interactivist, mprove.de)

Matthias is a User Innovation + Interaction Designer. He has designed desktop, web and mobile apps for international companies like Adobe, Sun, and Oracle. His latest start-up project is As Noted, a simple and powerful note taking environment.
Matthias is founding member of the UX Roundtable Hamburg, the local group of the IxDA, and the conference Raum Schiff Erde, a unique event for digital philosophy, internet culture, and interactive design with a sustainable global aspiration.

Moderation: Karoline Frohlinde


17.2.2014 / 18-19 Uhr im MakerHub Hamburg


Und sonst so_

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