Media Innovation Day 7-Oct-2015, World Publishing Expo Hamburg 2015
w/ Kai von Luck, Susanne Draheim, Martin Kohler, Stefan Woelwer & Matthias Müller-Prove
a.k.a. the urban gang of five
Hyperlocal is not a term, but a trend in journalism and news media that revolves around one belief: People will only be driven to consume and pay for content that is highly relevant, and that is mainly local content.
(Antonella Mei-Pochtler, Boston Consulting Group). Consequently the future of news media is seen in targeting small communities and deliver content of their immediate vicinity in real-time.
The relevance of news for residents and business owners can be determined on two dimensions: time and geography. The closer to these dimensions, the more relevant (and less manageable for mass media) it becomes. Beyond the still untested hope that local content is the only content people will be paying for – it has also left a blank spot on what locality actually means. In times of social media conversations mediated by a diverse range of mobile devices to geographically faraway places, “Proximity” does not necessarily converge with “geography” or “time”.
Social proximity might be an even more important driver for perceived relevance. Kai von Luck (HAW) will discuss with panelists what might be on the horizon beyond hyper-local defined as media for a small geographic area.
@pfeifferreport Oct 7: #WPE15 #mid15 Beyond Hyperlocal: very interesting panel discussion
Just a few slides that run in the background of the panel discussion. Nonentheless, each image might spark an intriguing discussion by itself.
Beyond Hyperlocal from Matthias MProve