The second TED Conference, 22-25 Feb 1990

TED Conferences was conceived in 1984 with an observation about the nature of late 20th Century communications: Three primary communications-driven businesses/professional areas in our society were emerging, merging and evolving together in ways undreamed of just a few short years before. These three core disciplines all facilita TED the development of new ways of seeing and learning. New ways of transforming information and conveying ideas. New ways of understanding our environment, our society and our selves. TED stands for the triad of these subject areas (Technology, Entertainment and Design) that were reshaping the context of our world when these conferences began and which continue to do so today.
–Richard Saul Wurman, 1998 /via

TED2 videos have survived as laserdiscs. This explains the strange double layout image format.

Part 1

  1. Harry Marks
  2. Richard Saul Wurman
  3. DLVT
  4. John Sculley (Apple): From Multimedia to Interactive Media
  5. Marty Sklar & the Walt Disney Imagineers featuring Mickey’s Ten Commandments
    1. Know Your Audience
    2. Wear Your Guest’s Shoes
    3. Organize the Flow – Of People and Ideas
    4. Avoid Overload – Create “Turn-Ons”
    5. Communicate with Visual Literacy
    6. Tell One Story At A Time
    7. Avoid Contradiction – Maintain Identity
    8. “Ounce of Treatment – Ton of Treat”
    9. Keep it Up
    10. Create a “Wienie”
  6. John Naisbitt
  7. Patricia Aburdene
  8. Kenny & Alme Rankin
  9. Ted West on Smart Yellow Pages

Part 2

  1. Jaron Lanier on Understanding Virtual Reality
  2. Scott Fisher presents more VR cases
  3. Bran Ferren on what we all do
  4. Takenobu Igarashi
  5. Artist Videos
  6. Frank Gehry (architect): My days as a young rebel
  7. Nancye Green on exhibition design

Part 3

  1. Ted Nelson
  2. Douglas Adams
  3. Herbie Hancock
  4. Bob Stein – Mona Lisa, Beethoven’s 9th
  5. Robert Able & Alan – interactive Guernica, poetry, Ulysses

Part 4

  1. Alan Kay (Project Vivarium)
  2. Bill Atkinson
  3. Nigel Holmes – dataviz
  4. Peter Bradford: Cosmic Comics – a graphical language
  5. Laurie Anderson
  6. Payson Stevens – How to communicate global warming to have an effect on politicians?
  7. Rick Smolan (Time, Life, and National Geographic photographer) – Day in the Life book series
  8. Jeffrey Rona & Rick Smolan on instruments that surprise us – MIDI


à propos

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