TED Conference, 19-22 Feb 1997

TED Conferences was conceived in 1984 with an observation about the nature of late 20th Century communications: Three primary communications-driven businesses/professional areas in our society were emerging, merging and evolving together in ways undreamed of just a few short years before. These three core disciplines all facilita TED the development of new ways of seeing and learning. New ways of transforming information and conveying ideas. New ways of understanding our environment, our society and our selves. TED stands for the triad of these subject areas (Technology, Entertainment and Design) that were reshaping the context of our world when these conferences began and which continue to do so today.
–Richard Saul Wurman, 1998 /via

Video quality is poor. Audio is fine. Content is superbe. Therefore just listen to the TED7 sessions below.

Day 2 on Storrytelling and Understanding and The News

  1. Richard Saul Wurman: Day 2 Welcome
  2. Hazel Miller
  3. Geraline Laybourn (President Disney/ABC Cable Networks)
  4. Robyn Charles Miller & Rand Miller: Riven, The Sequal to Myst
  5. Jackie Torrence (Storyteller)
  6. QA1
  7. Peter Bergman: Why Y2K? Because it‘s coming. (Co-Founder Firesign Theater)
    • …and finally the Republicans unable to find an electable candidate amongst their general fold will turn to the two most popular characters on television and nominate an Oprah Winfrey Richard Simmons slate they running under the slogan America is ready for a makeover.
  8. Marjorie Scardino (Chief Executive The Economist)
  9. John Hockenberry (Correspondent Dateline NBC & Author Moving Violations)
  10. QA2
  11. SAKE lunch break
  12. Gary Burton & Makoto Ozone on jazz
  13. Ken Auletta (The New Yorker) & Michael Kinsley (Slate) on journalism
  14. Kurt Anderson (Co-Founder Spy Magazine)
  15. SONY sponsor
  16. John Perry Barlow (Cognitive Dissident)
  17. Norman Pearlstine on News, Stories and History (Editorial Director Time Inc.)
  18. Tom Machover (Composer Brain Opera MIT Media Lab)

Day 3 on Structure, Motion & Biology

  1. Richard Saul Wurman: Day 3 Welcome
  2. Hazel Miller 1 | 2
  3. Alexander Tsiras (Creator The Anatomical Travelogue)
  4. Michael Moschen (Choreographer & Juggler)
  5. Robert Full (Director Poly-PEDAL Laboratory UC Berkely)
  6. Thomas Krens & Frank Gehry (Director Guggenheim Museum & Architect) on Guggenheim Bilbao
  7. David MacAuley (Illustrator & Author The Way Things Work)
  8. David Kelly (President IDEO Product Developmentsu)
  9. Bill Gross (Chairman Idealab!)
  10. Jim Fowler & Steve Frankfurt
  11. John Naisbitt (Author Megatrends Asia)
  12. Kevin Kelly (Executive Editor Wired, Author Out of Control)
  13. Bren Ferren (Exec VP Walt Disney Imagineering), Alan Kay, Danny Hillis on Storytelling
  14. Joan Gratz (video artist)
  15. Will Vinton on Stories and Characters (President Will Vinton Studios)
  16. Nicholas Negroponte (Director MIT Media Lab)
  17. Larry Keeley (Principle The Doblin Group)
  18. William Lutz (Author The New Double Speak)
  19. MetaTools Closing Dinner


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