     of Hypertext and Graphical User Interfaces

2.2.1 Hypertext Feature Matrix

in Vision and Reality of Hypertext and Graphical User Interfaces

This section builds on top of Jeff Conklin’s record and extends it for the hypertext systems presented in this discussion. Conklin’s feature dimension consists of [Conklin 87, p. 21],* * The question whether the hypertext system supports images will be skipped.

Tabelle 2.1 Matrix of Hypertext systems and theit features

Hierarchy: Is there specific support for hierarchical structures?

Graph-based: Does the system support nonhierarchical (cross-reference) links?

Link Types: Can links have types?

Attributes: Can user-designated attribute/value pairs be associated with nodes or links?

Paths: Can many links be strung together into a single persistent object?

Versions: Can nodes or links have more than a single version?

Procedural Attachment: Can arbitrary executable procedures be attached to events (such as mousing) at nodes or links?

String Search: Can the hyperdocument be searched for strings (including keywords)?

Text Editor: What editor is used to create and modify the content of the nodes?

Concurrent Multiusers: Can several users edit the hyperdocument at the same time?

Graphical Browser: Is there a browser which graphically presents the nodes and links in the hyperdocument?

These categories will be extended by the following questions:

Structured Nodes: Can links refer to specific location within the nodes?

Separation of Content and Links: Is the linking information stored separately from the documents?

Windows: Do nodes open in new windows?

Jeff Conklin could only take into account existing hypertext systems up to 1987. From his table the matrix in Tab. 2.1 takes information about Xanadu, NLS/Augment, NoteCards, Symbolics, Hyperties, and Intermedia. The list will be complemented by Memex, HES, FRESS, Smalltalk, Guide, HyperCard, Storyspace, Microcosm, Hyper-G, and the World Wide Web. Tab. 2.1 shows the new matrix.

Just a few of Conklin’s statements needed to be updated. Symbolics Document Examiner has a graphical browser as can be seen in Fig. 2.8. The corresponding editor is Concordia instead of ‘None’. The other update touches upon Intermedia’s support for versioning. As we have seen the concept of webs can be utilized for versioning of the link structure.

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