     of Hypertext and Graphical User Interfaces


of Vision and Reality of Hypertext and Graphical User Interfaces

  1. Introduction
  2. Hypertext
    1. History
      1. Memex
      2. Xanadu
      3. NLS/Augment
      4. HES and FRESS
      5. Flex and Smalltalk
      6. NoteCards
      7. Symbolics Document Examiner & Concordia
      8. Hyperties
      9. Guide
      10. HyperCard
      11. Storyspace
      12. Intermedia
      13. Microcosm
      14. World Wide Web
      15. Hyper-G/HyperWave
    2. Theory of Hypertext
      1. Hypertext Feature Matrix
      2. The Dexter Hypertext Reference Model
      3. Open Hypermedia Systems
    3. Provisions for the Future of the World Wide Web
      1. Identification of Nodes
      2. Groups of Nodes
      3. General Hyperlinks
      4. Browser
      5. Integrated Browser/Editor Environment
      6. Separation between Content and Appearance
      7. Integration of Hypertext facilities into the Operating System
  3. Graphical User Interfaces
    1. History
      1. Man-Computer Symbiosis
      2. Sketchpad
      3. NLS/Augment
      4. Flex Machine and Dynabook
      5. Xerox Alto, the Interim Dynabook and Smalltalk
      6. Xerox Star
      7. Spatial Data Management System
      8. Apple Lisa
      9. Apple Macintosh
    2. Human Factors
      1. Fitts' Law
      2. Three Stages of Human Development
      3. Interactivity
    3. Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointing Device
      1. Windows
      2. Icons
      3. Menus
      4. The Mouse and other Graphical Input Devices
    4. Provisions for the Future of the Desktop Model
      1. Filing
      2. Document-Centered Design
      3. User Illusion
  4. Beyond the Desktop
    1. Web GUI meets Desktop GUI
    2. Provisions for the Future
  5. Synopsis

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