Amaya | Charles McCathieNevile / et al.* * This footnote is dedicated to the Unknown Software Engineer. It requires a lot more bright and talented people to develop and test software than can be listed here.: W3C, 1996 until today |
Bravo | Charles Simonyi / Tom Maloy: Xerox Parc, 1974-1976 |
Bryce | Eric Wenger / Kai Krause / Phil Clevenger: MetaCreations Corp., 1994-1999 |
Concordia | Janet H. Walker: Symbolics Inc., 1985 |
Document Examiner | dto. |
Finder | Bruce Horn / Steve Capps: Apple Computer, Inc., 1982 until today |
FrameMaker | Frame Technology Corp., 1986-1995; Adobe Systems Inc., 1995 until today |
Fress | Andries van Dam: Brown University, 1968-mid-70s |
GoLive | GoLive Systems, 1996-1998; Adobe Systems Inc., 1999 until today |
Guide | Peter Brown: University of Kent at Canterbury, 1982 (marketed by OYce Workstations Ltd. since 1986) |
Hes | Andries van Dam / Ted Nelson: Brown University, 1968 |
HyperCard, HyperTalk | Bill Atkinson / Dan Winkler: Apple Computer, Inc., 1987-mid-90s |
Hyper-G/HyperWave, Harmony | Hermann Maurer / Frank Kappe / Keith Andrews: IICM at Graz University of Technology and University of Auckland in New Zealand, early 1989-1996 |
Hyperties | Ben Shneiderman / Dan Ostroff: HCIL at University of Maryland, 1983 (marketed by Cognetics Corp. since 1987) |
Intermedia | Nicole Yankelovich / Norman K. Meyrowitz / Paul Kahn / Bernard J. Haan / Victor A. Riley / James H. Coombs: IRIS at Brown University, 1985-1990 |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corp., 1995 until today |
Lisa Desktop Manager | Dan Smith Keller / Frank E. Ludolph / Bill Atkinson: Apple Computer, Inc., 1981-1983 |
MacPaint | Bill Atkinson: Apple Computer, Inc., 1984- |
Microcosm | Wendy Hall: University of Southampton, 1990 until today |
Mosaic | Marc Andreesen / Eric Bina: NCSA, 1993 |
MS-Dos | Microsoft Corp., 1981 until 1990s |
Navigator/ Communicator | Marc Andreesen: Netscape Communications Corp., 1994 until today |
NLS/Augment | Doug Engelbart / Bill English: Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA, 1960s-1977; Tymshare Corp. 1977-1984; McDonnell Douglas Corp. 1984- |
NoteCards | Randall H. Trigg / Thomas P. Moran / Frank G. Halasz : Xerox Parc, 1985 |
PageMaker | Paul Brainard: Aldus Corp., 1986-1994, Adobe Systems Inc., 1994-2000 |
Photoshop | Thomas Knoll / Marc Hamburg: Adobe Systems Inc., 1989 until today |
Sdms | Nicholas Negroponte / Richard A. Bolt: MIT, 1971-1977 |
Sketchpad | Ivan E. Sutherland, 1963 |
Sketchpad III | Timothy Johnson, 1963 |
Smalltalk | Alan Curtis Kay / Daniel H. H. Ingalls: Xerox Parc, 1972-1980 |
Squeak | Daniel H. H. Ingalls / Alan Curtis Kay: Apple Computer, Inc., 1996-98; Walt Disney Imagineering, 1998 until today; Learning Research Institute (lri), 2001. (Nov 2001)* * URLs may be uniform rather than being universal and persistent. This is why I provide the date of last successful visiting the page. |
Star | David Canfield Smith / Charles Irby: Xerox Parc, 1976 until early 1980s |
Storyspace | Mark Bernstein / Michael Joyce: University of North Carolina; Eastgate Systems, 1990 |
Windows | Microsoft Corp., 1985 until today (Windows 3.0 since 1990) |
Wais | Brewster Kahle: Thinking Machines, 1989 |
Word | Charles Simonyi: Microsoft Corp., early 1980s until today |
WorldWideWeb/Nexus | Tim Berners-Lee / Robert Cailliau: CERN, Geneva, 1990 |
Xanadu | Ted Nelson: 1960 until today |
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