Historische Karten der Stabi Hamburg

cdvnord :: Hamburg- und Elb-Karten 1588 803 - 1939


  1. Daten
    1. Content Audit
    2. ContactSheet
  2. Chronoscope Hamburg
    1. google maps API & Tools
    2. Hamburg 1905
    3. Hamburg und Altona 1803
    4. Hamburg 1694
    5. Chronoscope Hamburg 1.x
    6. Chronoscope Hamburg 2.x
  3. Tools
    1. MapWarper
    2. MapTiler
    3. QGIS
  4. Einsichten
    1. Altona
    2. Sternschanze
    3. Zum ersten Bahnhof Hamburgs: Bergedorfer/Berliner Bahnhof
  5. Links
    1. Glossary
    2. Hackdash-Projekte
  6. Log
  7. Feedback


Content Audit

Reformatting to jpg2000, keep resolution
241x jp2 + xml / 3GB
MetaData als OpenDocument Spreadsheet

Die Datierungen als Plot:

StabiHH: mprove AntjeTheise Great!


Alle Karten wurden in voller Auflösung nach Apple Aperture importiert. Hier ein Screenshot des Thumbnail-Views und danach ein PDF mit allen Karten – chronologisch sortiert – als Kontaktbogen.

StabiHH_Karten_ContactSheet.pdf 280MB /v2 in chronologischer Sortierung

Chronoscope Hamburg v1.x

[PPN741316862] von 1929 bietet sich zeitlich an, um die Photos von Carl Dransfeld zu kartieren. Wie kann das technisch umgesetzt werden?

google maps API & Tools

Ein Versuch mit google maps_

Hamburg 1905 [PPN741220725]



Chronoscope 1905 [link updated]

Markus Trapp: Sehr stark, was mprove da mit den Historischen Hamburg-Karten der Stabi (s. Album: plus.google…) im Rahmen von cdvnord macht

gerhardkuehne: jetzt fehlen nur noch historische Fotos mit Location ;) Super Idee!



Hamburg und Altona 1803



1803/v1: Chronoscope Altona & Hamburg 1803 [link updated]

BTW: Diese Karten wurden von User "TF8jYz6gkrO4" auch auf Map Wrapper eingepflegt.

Hamburg 1694

Und nochmal 100 Jahre früher: [PPN611982145]

skew & rotate & transform…


1694/v1: Chronoscope Hamburg 1694 [link updated]

Chronoscope Hamburg

Und jetzt alles zusammen. Die Landing-Page gibt Infos – außerdem versteckt sich hier als Nebeneffekt das Cachen der Karten mit 36MB.

Chronoscope Hamburg

Done & ToDos

cf. Release Notes


you are here -> requires https and certificate for the site √ v2.3
1908 is the map w/ the lowest quality.
Do we loose anything if it is scaled down?
transparency pendulum
-> space toggle visibility √
[Error] Application Cache update failed
because https://mprove.de/script/16/cdvnord/chronoscope/_media/cdvnord-maps.jpg was redirected.
Links for Geo-Portal √
Syntax: http://www.geoportal-hamburg.de/Geoportal/geo-online/index.html?layerIDs=4608,452&visibility=true,true&transparency=0,0&center=570340.8170159588,5931927.117919366&zoomlevel=7
mapboxzoom 15 = geozoom 6
mapboxzoom 16 = geozoom 7

MarineLives: Very nice - how about the ability for the user to add pop up data attached to the coordinates & to include a link - see dummy image?

MarineLives: (1) (Dreaming) of functionality u prob need user defined layers & ability to publish them to a Chrono common layer
(2) That way user can look at his/her specific annotations, and can work collaboartively on user oriented maps with public/academics
(3) But also have option to merge user specific map with other maps or with a Ur-Chrono-Map, with chrono map able to limit view of..
(4)..annotations to specific century (if wish) - like your slide/button choice on year of map in top LH corner of map

Chronoscope Hamburg v2.x

Zwischen Jan und März 2017 wurde google maps durch Mapbox GL ersetzt. Außerdem wurden alle Karten neu rektifiziert und eine Karte von 1590, 1657 und 1937 neu hinzugefügt. cf.

QGIS Rectification Step by Step

  • Georeferencing / rectification tutorial for QGIS

    1. choose a map
    2. crop the map to reduce the margin to a minimum
    3. prepare QGIS to georeference the map
    4. set the control points – focus on churches, bridges, street axes, …
    5. save control points for later updates
    6. open the georectified tiff – rotate no "normal" rectangular orientation – crop – add copyright – reduce to 4096 – save a jpg of reasonable filesize/quality (2MB)
    7. add map to Chronoscope – guess and measure corner points with QGIS and the Chrono Cursor of the Chronoscope. – update corner points – iterate until the map aligns with mapbox.

    GeoJSON Info Layer

    Chronoscope 2.5 (Mar 2018) can import and display geo point sets on the historical maps. It is used to display

    1. Dransfeld Photos between Wilhelmshaven and Berlin. Though, most are located in Hamburg
    2. Hamburg Residents of 1653 according to English High Court of Admiralty in London

    How to convert the data to GeoJSON?

    Dransfelds photosets have been mapped on a custom Google Map. The data can be exported to KML and then converted to GeoJSON. >> Chronoscope 2.5 w/ Dransfeld Photo Spots



    Hamburg Residents info was encoded in JavaScript in Chronoscope v1.2. The data consists of streets (geo location and orientation) and a set of residents associated to the streets. A JS algorithm was used to spread several residents along a street.

    Chronoscope v1.5a can export the data to (almost) GeoJSON format by dumping the code into the console window. Further adjustments of the locations were necesarry to match the info with the map of 1657 >> Chronoscope 2.5 w/ Hamburg Residents of 1657


    Rectification Glitches


    Ideas and Wishes

    Libraries & APIs

    Apple Maps URL Scheme


    Tools: Map Warper

    Map Warper is a free to use, open source map warper / map georectifier, and image georeferencer tool.



    1. JPEG2000 not supported.
    2. The TIFF-Export is blueish
    3. The export seems to be distorted and cannot be used as such on top of OSM or google maps.
      Hannes says: This is a proper format for GIS like e.g. QGIS
      Tim Waters – developer of QGIS – says: Generally, the GeoTiffs are in EPSG:4326 (lat/lon) like what you would see in Google Earth - but Google maps and OpenStreetMap are in spherical mercator (e.g.) EPSG:900913 (metres)
    4. The resolution is half the quality of the original StabiHH scans. Due to upload or due to Map Warper?? Maybe due to low-res uploads
    5. What happend to the south part of Altona 1803? Fixed by a new point in the harbour.

    WorldMap WARP – yet another instance of Map Warper. Differences to Map Warper:


    MapTiler 7 is a commercial tool to tile maps, which can be used as tiled layers on top of google maps or OSM. The free version creates tiles with ''MapTiler' watermarks.


    MapSlicer is an open source project to slice the tiles for google maps and OSM. It shares the same root with MapTile.

    MapSlicer requires wxPython, which is no longer supported directly on MacOS 10.11



    Would be nice: if fav on twitter then RT via buffer.

    cf. HOW TO Schedule Your Retweets From Any Twitter Client



    Chrono Research Lab: Altonas Stadtgeschichte aufgeschrieben 1780 /Transcript


    Chrono Research Lab: Wo lag die Sternschanze? Wie sah sie aus?

    Zum ersten Bahnhof Hamburgs: Bergedorfer / Berliner Bahnhof

    Chrono Research Lab: Eisenbahn in Hamburg | Rechereche

    Referenzen / Links / Misc




    Global Positioning Systems (longitude is shifted about 100m East compared to Greenwich coordinates)
    GPS essentially is WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984)
    cf. WGS84 and the Greenwich Meridian
    Coordinate Reference System
    Open Street Map



    Sep 2018

    Chronoscope Hamburg/World 2.6 contains all map data of ChronoAtlas and displays maps world wide.


    Chronoscope 2.5 :: migration from mapbox 0.32 to 0.39, migration of ChronoCursor from Chronoscope 1, scale control, slider control for transparency, GeoJSON info layer for residents 1650 and Dransfeld photography


    A Brief Chronology of the Chronoscope Universe, 2017-2018


    Chronoscope 2.2 Release Notes


    Chronoscope 1.3: Karte von 1694 rektifiziert mit QGIS – 99 Kontrollpunkte


    open source & cc by-na 4.0 for content & the interaction model


    Erkenntnisse zum Berliner Bahnhof


    ChronoscopeX mit allen 3 Karten zum umschalten.


    Chronoscope Landing Page, map caching on landing page, iOS & Android icon


    Prototype: Chronoscope Altona & Hamburg 1803 /v1 [link updated]
    Prototype: Chronoscope Hamburg 1694 [link updated]


    Chronoscope 1905 /v3 [link updated] mit korrigiertem geographischem Mapping


    Chronoscope 1905 /v2 – Smartphone-ready


    Contact Sheet mit chronologischer Sortierung aller Karten
    MataData als OpenDocument Spreadsheet: StabiHHKartenMetaData.ods


    Datum des Dargestellten kodiert im Aperture Version Name. So lassen sich alle Karten zeitllich sortieren.

    Feedback – please leave a message

    I'd be happy to receive and read your feedback via_

    à propos